Bilbao 26.07.2010

SMINN increases the security of receivers and transmitters

SMINN launches the new transmitters and receivers with an encryption system that invalidates the use of scanners and fraudulent copies. This radio system can be applied to home automation and motor controllers of doors, gates and closings. Its triple encryption system based on random 72 bits means a huge improvement in security and trustworthiness for the user. SMINN designs these emitters with cutting-edge electronic equipment and manufacture them in the two frequencies used in Europe: 434 MHz and 868 MHZ, as well as 315 MHz for the rest of the world.

SMINN launches the new transmitters and receivers with an encryption system that invalidates the use of scanners and fraudulent copies. This radio system can be applied to home automation and motor controllers of doors, gates and closings. Its triple encryption system based on random 72 bits means a huge improvement in security and trustworthiness for the user. SMINN designs these transmitters with cutting-edge electronic equipment and manufacture them in the two frequencies used in Europe: 434 MHz and 868 MHZ, as well as 315 MHz for the rest of the world.

SMINN offers a wide variety of shapes, colours and finish to adapt to the users’ needs and taste; the MULTI product line for the more classic tastes, and QUATRO and DUPLO for those preferring something more innovative and DUO for the most daring ones. They are manufactured in ABS plastic casing with security closing, which makes them more resistant to falls and blows.

Besides, their design is thought for a comfortable daily use. They make easier everybody’s day to day thanks to their ergonomic shape and the possibility to extract the battery without dismantling the transmitter or having a dock for vehicles. Their integrated circuits in just one chip reduce the battery consumption, becoming a trustworthy unit.

In the same line of 72 bits random encryption, there are receiver cards for SMINN transmitters with standard connection for motor controllers.

Versatility is the most outstanding quality of these cards. They are designed to work in one or two channels and the installer can choose between 250/500/1000 and 2000 user support thanks to the slot for removable memory and can manage three levels of security for memorizing codes.

Moreover, with the CP-100 tool one can manage the community installations in a simple way. This programming console stores data of all transmitters, cards and other equipment. It allows copying memories, codification of transmitters and maintenance of installations in a more comfortable, profitable way.