«Maximum versatility and cutting edge technology at your service»

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Installations Management


Software designed for easy creation and management of installations

Connection with CP-100

SMARTOOL can be connected with your CP-100 programming console to prepare, read and manage transmitters, tags and memories. This application also supports an offline mode, where you can visualize your data, edit and create installations manually.


The SMINN engineering team works constantly to improve SMARTOOL, giving immediate support to incidences and adding new functionalities to the application. SMARTOOL will update automatically to provide you with the latest changes.

Installation prepared from factory

SMINN offers a service where your installation is already prepared, so you only have to care about actually installing the devices, making everything even faster. Using your IAMXPERT user, the application will download data packages of those installations so you can manage them normally and adjust them if necessary




This product contains private resources only accessible by registered users.