Bilbao 08.09.2011

SMINN reaches the top of Mont Blanc

Jon Ander Rabadán, member of SMINN’s team, with his brother Xabier Rabadán, Joseba Zarraga and Gorka Berjón, have covered the four-thousanders heading to Mont Blanc during last summer. The Mont Blanc, almost 5000 meters high, in Central Alps, between Switzerland, Italy and France, exerts an irresistible attraction to mountain lovers. Its history goes altogether with mountaineering’s history.

Jon Ander Rabadán, member of SMINN’s team, with his brother Xabier Rabadán, Joseba Zarraga and Gorka Berjón, have covered the four-thousanders heading to Mont Blanc during last summer. The Mont Blanc, almost 5000 meters high, in Central Alps, between Switzerland, Italy and France, exerts an irresistible attraction to mountain lovers. Its history goes altogether with mountaineering’s history.

The Alpine four-thousanders is conformed by the mounts Aguille du Midi (3.800 m), the Mont Blanc Tacul (4.248 m), Mont Maudit (4.465 m) and last, the Mont Blanc (4.810,45 m). The ascent is developed on snow slopes, sometimes icy. In some stretches there is a 30-35 degrees of gradient, while others, there are 45-50 degrees, as in the mountain pass of Mont Maudi.

In order to ascend Mont Blanc, the climber team set off from Charmonix to the Aiguille du Midi on the 6th of August. On the following day, they continued up to Mont Blanc Tacul. Until that moment, they had an amazing weather; however, the weather forecast announced storms during the night of the 8th and the 9th. This unexpected situation forced the climbers to accelerate their plans: they had to reach the summit of Mont Blanc on August the 8th. So, on the daybreak they set off to Mont Maudit and afterwards, Mont Blanc. During the evening of the 8th they reached the Mont Blanc and came back to the base camp.

Indeed, the weather forecast was right: the 9th dawned with an impressive storm that forced them to stay in the base camp until the weather got better. Once the storm stopped, they went back to Chamonix.

SMINN has achieved the summit of Mont Blanc, what will be the next challenge? We will tell you.